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Google’s 2012 SEO changes have many Search Engine Optimizers and business owners feeling frantic over their current Google rankings. However, by making a few minor changes to your content and web strategies, these SEO changes may actually improve your rankings and drive more traffic to your website. These drastic adjustments and improvements will affect your search engine ranking, so be sure your business is ready for the change!

Google unveiled a few lists of changes in March and April that could affect your rankings:


Google aims to ensuring more local results when you search; now, queries relevant to the user are brought up per local results. For example, because Designzillas is an Orlando web design agency, it is critical for our local customers to be able to search “web design” or even “Orlando web design” to find us through regional placement.

Duplicate Page Content

No longer can spammers rip content from one page and republish it on their own. Instead, this duplicate page content will be removed by Google. Ensure that your content is fresh and unique; copying someone else’s content only dilutes the entire pool of information.

Content Focused – No more Spam

Instead of focusing primarily on a-tags hoping to direct traffic to your site with backlinks, Google’s focus will shift to relevant content on your page. By penalizing duplicate content, Google will ensure that the search results remained focused, fresh, and current. Content remains king!

Sitelinks data refresh

Pages will be analyzed for content, site structure, and other data in order to be more accurately targeted to the search engine user. The entire form, function, and experience of your website can make or break your rankings. Be wary when utilizing non-qualified websites for your backlink strategies.

Improved Freshness

With better detection of old pages, stale websites will be ranked lower than more recently published sites and information. Keep your content current with fresh topics that are relevant to your visitors to keep them coming back for more.

Better indexing of profile pages

If you have filled out any social media profiles, this will improve your rankings: Google is now implementing an improved comprehensiveness of social media via 200 various public profile pages.

So what does that mean for your business?
The correlation of SEO and Social Media Marketing is essential. Your online presence matters in legitimizing your authenticity: your website will become more indexable if you have filled out social media profiles and craft your public profile pages. SEO and Social Media Marketing work as a great team: if you take the time to create an online presence, social media inevitably generates a buzz about your company.

With relevant, applicable content and a social platform to access and market that content, users will be more apt and able to share your information. Plus, Google knows you’re not a Spam Bot, but a genuine person marketing a business.

Now, your content will help drive your site to the top rankings; if you’ve crafted excellent, relevant information and created a public image for your business, these 2012 SEO changes should be a positive improvement. Just be sure to keep your content fresh and update your stale content and links. Consistently publishing new, relevant content will also help keep your pages fresh; consider building a blog for your website.

If you want your website to reach Google’s top rankings, Google now bows to relevant, high quality content that is connected over social networks. “Search Engine Optimization” is becoming a more comprehensive, content-driven, social approach to marketing over the internet: an all-encompassing web strategy.